Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing
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Bеѕt Dеаl Chеар 🛒 Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing A quick website review

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Blасk Frіdау - 50% оƒƒ Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

only with $ 24.83

Size 18ft Strap
Material Polypropylene
Brand Nite Ize
Load Capacity 400 Pounds
Fastener Type Buckle

  • High strength, high density 1” polypropylene webbing with integrated end loop
  • Cam 1: position + lock, ‭cam 2: tighten + secure
  • Working load limit: 400 lb., ‭break strength: 1200 lb
  • REQUIRES HALF THE WEBBING – The two cam locking mechanisms allow you to use half of the webbing you normally would need in a looped configuration as compared to traditional tie down straps
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Product Description

Nite Ize is known for creating products that make your life easier at home, at work, and on the go. The Dual CamJam Tie Down System has been masterfully engineered to secure and lock down your equipment and gear. The innovative Dual CamJam buckle features not one but two cam locking mechanisms, one on each end of its zinc alloy body. The system also includes a high density 1" polypropylene webbing strap with an integrated bar tacked loop on one end. With the buckle independent of the strap and completely adjustable, this innovative system is the most versatile tie down you'll ever use.
This system can be used in two ways: a fixed end configuration or a traditional loop configuration.
In the fixed end configuration, the integrated webbing loop allows for easy attachment of the strap to an anchor point while the loose end can be placed over or looped around your gear and around the other anchor point. One unique advantage of the Dual CamJam is that Cam 1 allows you to easily slide it onto the webbing and to adjust the buckle placement easily and securely within your configuration. This set up uses half as much webbing as traditional tie down straps which function in a looped configuration. The other major unique advantage of this configuration is that you are able to create a 3-to-1 mechanical advantage. For example, you only need to apply 50lb of force to achieve a 150lb result - a great advantage over using more complicated ratcheting cam straps.
With a break strength of 1200lb and working load limit of 400lb you can count on these straps. So next time you’re looking for heavy duty tie down straps, look for the Dual CamJam Tie Down System.
Nite Ize has been creating innovative, solution-based products with quality, performance and value at the core for over 25 years. Based in Boulder, Colorado, we aim to continue offering imaginative and innovative products that make our customers’ lives easier, safer and more fun.

Blасk Frіdау - 70% оƒƒ Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Nеw Arrіvаlѕ Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Suреr Brаndѕ Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

50% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Onе-Dау Sаlе: Uр tо 40% оƒƒ Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Frее Shірріng оƒƒеr Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Amаzоn Crаzу 🔥 Dеаlѕ Nite Ize Dual CamJam Tie Down Strap System, Proprietary Dual Cam Zinc Alloy Buckle + High Strength Nylon Strap, 400LB Load Limit, 18FT Webbing

Clісk Hеrе : ➲➲


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