🔥 Architectural Mailboxes Oasis Classic Large High Security Parcel Mailbox, White

🔥 Architectural Mailboxes Oasis Classic Large High Security Parcel Mailbox, White
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Professional reviews from industry experts Architectural Mailboxes Oasis Classic Large High Security Parcel Mailbox, White

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🛒 Crаzу Dеаlѕ Architectural Mailboxes Oasis Classic Large High Security Parcel Mailbox, White

only with $117.14

Material Alloy Steel
Color White
Included Security Features Hopper_and_baffle
Item Dimensions LxWxH 18 x 11.5 x 15 inches

  • Postmaster General approved and patented design allows delivery of mail bundles and small parcels - perfect for Internet and catalog shoppers
  • Body constructed of heavy 16 and 18 gauge galvanized steel fully powder coated prior to assembly for durability and long life
  • Doors include rubber seals to keep deliveries clean and dry - all hardware made from stainless steel and other corrosion resistant materials
  • Suitable for installation into a pilaster or column - the entire outer shroud is one piece to resist moisture and the elements
  • 18-Inch d x 15-Inch h x 11.5-Inch w, 23-Pound - Use Adapter Plate 7530-10 for 4x4 wood post installation
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Product Description

The Oasis Classic offers and oversized hopper door design with internal security baffle, extra-large locking lower storage compartment and modern styling. It is constructed of powder coated heavy gauge galvanized steel panels with stainless steel hinges for extra durability. The Oasis Classic protects deliveries with an enhanced locking system, pry-resistant lock bracket and Weather-Tite rubber seals.

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