Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 70% Prісе SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 70% Prісе SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets
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Professional reviews from industry experts SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

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Rеvіеw Prоduсt SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

only with $78.88

  • RC DATA ANALYZER: Measure and analyze speed, time, distance, velocity, acceleration, and more with this compact, GPS-connected data analyzer
  • SATELLITE TRACKING: Tracks your RC vehicle's performance using GNSS engine, connected with GPS and GLONASS satellite systems
  • APP CONNECTIVITY: Compatible mobile app with Bluetooth connectivity lets you track your data and performance in the field
  • DATA SHARING: Share your data with your friends using the exporting feature, giving you an Excel spreadsheet or screenshot
  • LONG BATTERY LIFE: Rechargeable LiPo battery provides up to 5 hours per charge; Dimensions (L x W x H): 1.57 x 1.53 x 0.63 inches; Weight: 0.11 pounds

Product Description

Making decisions with your RC car or plane can be tough, and it's even tougher when you lack proper information. Know the facts before you make modifications with the SKYRC GSM020 GNSS Performance Analyzer. This satellite-connected device records data from your remote control vehicle and records it for analysis. The analyzer connects with GPS and GLONASS satellite systems to read your vehicle's speed, time, distance, velocity, acceleration, and G-forces, collecting all the data you need for analysis. Deliver the data to the mobile app for easy viewing and track information in the field. Share features send the data to friends for help in analysis (or bragging rights). The built-in 1M memory provides you all the space you need, overwriting existing data once it fills up. The rechargeable LiPo battery lasts up to 5 hours, giving you plenty of time to gather data during races or practice runs. The system is compatible with RC cars, planes, and even rockets, perfect for whatever vehicle your prefer. Whether you need to track performance to plan your next mod or want to prove how good your vehicle is, the SKYRC GSM020 GNSS Performance Analyzer has the tools you need for proper data analysis.

Product information

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price review SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

product reviews SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

Consumer Reviews SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

Professional reviews from industry experts SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

Affiliate reviews SKYRC GSM020 GNSS GPS GLONASS Bluetooth Enabled Compact RC Vehicle Mounted Performance Data Tracker and Analyzer for RC Cars, Planes, and Rockets

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