70% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

70% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)
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Lоwеѕt Prісе Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

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Material Wood
Color Dark Walnut
Mounting Type Wall Mount
Finish Type Powder Coat,Painted
Brand Shise

  • Dimensions: 19.7" L x 14.9" H x 6.3" W; Materials: Steel rod frame with black powder coat; Painted solid Wooden balls;high-quality modern classic design hang it all replica.
  • Function - The Hang-It-All first appeared in 1953 as storage for childrens' belongings. Today, the whimsy established by the Hang-It-All in children's room decor carries through to an artful foyer or entryway statement. For secure mounting, drywall anchors and screws are included.
  • Has 14 hooks in different sizes - Conveniently spaced for Easy Hanging of All Your Personal Belongings.Strong enough to hold winter overcoats, laptop case, or messenger bag, it's a cheerful piece that can brighten up a foyer, mud room, bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom.
  • Form: To create the rack's wire frame, Charles and Ray and the Eames Office applied the mass-production techniques for welding wires they had developed for earlier designs. The frame has a durable powder coat finish, and each of its angular bends is capped with solid wood spheres.
  • Order online with safe delivery. Warranty: 1 years from the date of purchase for non-man-made damages.
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Product Description

Product Attributes:
Coat Rack Dimension: Length 19.7 inches x Width 14.9 inches x Height 6.3 inches;
Package Dimension (inch): L 22.8*W 20.5*H 7.9
N.W. (lb.): 1.2
G.W. (lb.): 1.47

Suitable Places:
Living Room, Sitting Room, Bedroom, Leisure Areas, Work Place, Hall, Coffee House, Hotel, Villa, Club

no heat

Product Fature:
Delivering more than just function, this coat hanger lends modern style and ample hanging space to your entryway, mudroom or bedroom. This wall-mount design features eight large sphere hangers and six smaller spheres. Available in a two finishes to perfectly accent your space, this hanger is easily able to host the coats, jackets, bags, and scarves of your family. Use the large spheres for jackets and purses, while the smaller spheres are ideal for wraps, sweatshirts, and smaller bags.

Buу 1 gеt 1 🔥 Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

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Blасk Frіdау Sаlе 2022 Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 🔥 Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

🔥 Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

Bеѕt Quаlіtу 🔥 Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)


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price review Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

product reviews Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

Consumer Reviews Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

Professional reviews from industry experts Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

Affiliate reviews Shise SHISEDECO Classic Mid Century Hang it All Coat Rack, Modern Wall Mounted Coat Hooks with Painted Solid Wooden Balls(Multi Colors Available) (Dark Walnut)

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